Mapping Free Libraries in India

Why We Need To Document & Track India’s Free Libraries

Free libraries are essential democratic spaces to facilitate free-thinking & dialogue, and are crucial in India’s education and literacy landscape, particularly in underserved & historically excluded communities. However, there is very little data available about who we are, where we work and whom we serve. This lack of data has hampered the acknowledgement, sustainability & survival of these collective spaces across India. It has also hampered any efforts to reform India’s public  libraries. By crowd-sourcing data from the FLN collective, we hope to shed light on this vital sector and their library services, curriculum, programs, infrastructure and policies. 

The Free Libraries Network (FLN) has created an open-access database of FLN member libraries, showcasing their locations, library services and the communities they support. Our aim is to help everyone understand their role in providing access to knowledge & information services, laying the groundwork for a free & equitable public library system, which delivers the right to read for all.

Why It Matters

  • Community Ownership: Highlighting how free libraries serve as crucial public spaces for democratic participation and access to educational, informational and cultural resources, especially in underserved areas.
  • Data-Driven Advocacy: Emphasizing the need for accurate data to support library growth, research and the development of policies
  • Sustainable Library Models of Free Libraries: Showcasing library standards, curriculum & best practices that can serve as benchmarks of zero-fee, anti-caste, feminist & disability-inclusive libraries.
  • Building Intra-Network Connectivity: Allowing for peer-to-peer sharing & interaction and enhancing regional & national solidarities between grassroots libraries.

Who Benefits

This database benefits a wide array of stakeholders, from readers & library users in urban and rural areas, including first-generation readers and marginalized populations, to educators, researchers, policymakers, and library professionals seeking to enhance library services and impact the wider public library system in India.

FLN member libraries are empowered by having a dedicated web-page, which they may use, update & share with their own community of well-wishers, donors & supporters.

How It Can Be Used

  1. Research and Data Analysis:
    • Literacy Impact Studies: Utilize this data to study the correlation between access to free libraries and literacy rates, particularly in rural and underserved areas.
    • Socio Economic Impact: Analyze the broader social and economic benefits of free libraries, including community cohesion, employment opportunities, and reduction in educational inequalities.
    • Policy Development: Develop evidence-based policies by analyzing the collected structured data on library usage, demographics, and community impact.
  2. Policy Implementation and Advocacy:
    • Education Policy: Integrate findings from FLN libraries into state and national education policies, advocating for increased funding and support for library infrastructure.
    • Community-Led Initiatives: Use FLN case studies to design and implement community-led library models, promoting grassroots involvement in educational development.
    • Collaboration with NGOs: Partner with NGOs to replicate successful library models in other regions, ensuring scalability and sustainability.
  3. Engagement and Collaboration Opportunities:
    • Public-Private Partnerships: Engage with corporate entities and public sector stakeholders to fund and support the expansion of free libraries.
    • Academic Research: Collaborate with universities to conduct in-depth studies on the impact of free libraries, offering students and faculty a real-world context for research.
    • Innovative Library Models: Explore new library formats (e.g., digital libraries, mobile libraries) based on the FLN’s work to reach even more diverse populations.
  4. Intra-Network Collaboration & Solidarities with Other People’s Movements
    • Regional Relationship Building: Enhancing ability of libraries to talk to each other, visiting each other’s locations and organizing exchanges between their communities. Grassroots libraries can also liaison with their state/district/block level library officials to build bridges between the formal & informal public library landscape.
    • Library Best Practices & Curriculum Development: Coordinating & driving grassroots innovation in library science, curriculum design and community-engagement for ‘first-generation’ readers, school-goers and ICT users, within a critical pedagogy framework. 
    • Creating Seamless Continuum Between Libraries & Other People’s Movements: By platforming grassroots libraries along with their core values & mission, the map builds connections with other people’s movements in India, whose activism may be empowered by having a library component.

*If you are a researcher, policy-maker or content-creator using the FLN map, we request you to credit the source i.e. Free Libraries Network, in your work.

*All data in the map & library pages was contributed by member-libraries themselves through a telephonic & internet-based survey. The data has not been independently verified by the Free Libraries Network.

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